Legal notice

Just Gourmet Group SL, in its capacity as owner and party responsible for this website (, in compliance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, provides users with the following general information:

The details of the company in the Mercantile Register, for the purposes of electronic commerce, are: Just Gourmet Group SL, domiciled in Palamós, calle Joan Rovira i Bastons, 28, C.P. 17230. C.I.F. B17822974. email: This website is registered in the Companies Register of Girona, volume 2193, book 0, folio 181, section 8, page GI-36821.

Use of this digital publication constitutes acceptance of the following terms of use:

The digital publication of aims to provide the general public with information on Just Married brand products produced by Just Gourmet Group SL. reserves the right to modify the information contained in its digital publication at any time and to suspend access to it at any time and without prior notice. Without prejudice to the foregoing, this company does not undertake to update the information contained in the digital publication immediately.

Just Gourmet Group SL assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the contents that third parties have in the links referred to in these pages.

Just Gourmet Group SL accepts no responsibility for any damage or injury to the user’s software or hardware resulting from access to its digital publication or from the use of the information or applications contained therein.

Just Gourmet Group SL is the owner of all rights to the software of the digital publication as well as of the industrial and intellectual property rights relating to the contents included therein, with the exception of the rights to products that are not its property, whose trademarks are registered in favour of their respective owners, and as such are recognised by Just Gourmet Group SL.

Just Gourmet Group SL will scrupulously respect the confidentiality of personal data provided by visitors to the digital publication, through the observance of current legislation on data protection, and among others, the provisions of Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data.

All information received on these pages, such as comments, suggestions or ideas, will be considered to be given to Just Gourmet Group SL free of charge. Please do not send information that cannot be treated in this way.

All products on these pages that are the property of Just Gourmet Group SL are registered trademarks of their respective owners and are recognised as such by the user. They appear in this digital publication for the purposes of their sale and distribution.